Cranbrook Academy of Art Ushers in a New Era: The Appointment of Two Visionary Deans

142 views 12:17 pm 0 Comments August 11, 2023
cranbrook academy of art – Cranbrook Educational Community is abuzz with excitement as it heralds a significant transformation in the leadership of the Cranbrook Academy of Art. In a strategic move, the Academy has appointed two distinguished art educators to senior leadership roles: Lynn Tomaszewski as the Dean of Academic Affairs, and Michael Stone-Richards as the Dean of Programs and Partnerships.

Lynn Tomaszewski’s ascension to the role of Dean of Academic Affairs comes with great anticipation. With a diverse background in higher education, her experience spans a 25-year illustrious career at institutions like Moore College of Art and Design, the University of Florida, and the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Tomaszewski will take the helm of academic policies and programs, student retention, and recruitment, further sculpting the Academy’s curriculum and nurturing a transparent and equitable student culture.

Moreover, Tomaszewski’s identity as a visual artist offers a unique perspective. Her artistry, deeply informed by scientific principles, reflects in her nationally and internationally recognized works. Collections in renowned places like the Walker Art Center and the Center for Contemporary Art bear testimony to her creative prowess.

Michael Stone-Richards, named as Dean of Programs and Partnerships, brings a multifaceted background as a writer, scholar, and educator. His task will involve a curatorial role to extend the Academy’s reach and foster partnerships within Detroit. Stone-Richards’ connection with the Gilbert Family Foundation will further facilitate significant philanthropic initiatives.

Educated in Europe, Stone-Richards’ intellectual portfolio is as rich as his cultural background. With an MA and Ph.D. in Modern European Art, he has contributed writings on poetry, philosophy, art writing, and pedagogy in both English and French. His interest in Social Practice and the philosophy of care adds depth to his academic profile.

Michael’s involvement with various art institutions and foundations, as well as his recent accolades like the Warhol Foundation Grant, demonstrate his commitment to art and education. His forthcoming book “Care of the City” is eagerly awaited by art critics and enthusiasts alike.

The Academy’s decision to appoint these two remarkable candidates was lauded by Paul Sacaridiz, the Maxine and Stuart Frankel Director of Cranbrook Academy of Art. The new roles have been strategically crafted to advance the Academy’s mission, symbolizing a promising direction for the institution.

Both Tomaszewski and Stone-Richards express their excitement and honor in joining Cranbrook. Their ambition to build upon Cranbrook’s legacy aligns with the innovative spirit that has marked the Academy since its inception.

Cranbrook Academy of Art stands as a beacon of excellence in graduate studies in architecture, design, and fine art. The appointment of these visionary deans underscores the Academy’s commitment to nurturing creativity and redefining contemporary art and design education.

With Tomaszewski’s prowess in academic leadership and Stone-Richards’ keen curatorial insights, the future of Cranbrook Academy of Art appears to be in inspired hands, ready to face the new challenges of our time, while staying true to its historical roots and groundbreaking ethos.
